With a photo of the Rollei Factory at Brunswick and the tag line "Become a Rollei Dealer - it will pay you dividends", this excerpt from last centuries Rollei promotional material makes for interesting reading.
Rollei and the Photographic Dealer
To stock, display and sell Rollei cameras is to give the Public the knowledge that it is dealing with a real camera specialist. If the vast array of cameras sometimes bewilders the photographic dealer, this confusion is even more marked with the Public at large.
Faced on every side with cameras offered under cost price, half cost price or any old price, who is the man in the street to turn to for advice as to just what kind of camera he is to buy? He has never heard of many of the names: he is uncertain of the quality and even more uncertain as to what he will ultimately obtain should he desire to make a part-exchange deal for another camera.
In the long run he will turn increasingly to the dealer he can trust - the specialist dealer - who offers good and reliable equipment in which the dealer has the highest confidence.
At the top of the list he naturally places Rollei. Rollei is the pioneer and outstanding leader in the twins lens camera field. More and more amateurs are turning to to the superior quality offered by the large square format, particularly in 2 1/2 x 2 1/2. This applies not only to black and white prints, but even more so to colour transparencies. You have only to show your customer the 6 x 6 transparency compared to the 35mm. and your Rollei is half sold.
More and more discerning photographerswill pay to have the best and the advantages of the big Rollei square size are undeniable. The Rollei is not a cheap camera. Meticulous care in manufacture and the use of the finest materials only, couple with the most rigorous inspection, makes the Rolleia camera of superaltive quality and, particularly in these days, quality must be paid for. This is what the present-day photographyer is searching for and, not only does Rollei give the best results, but it is a trouble-free camera from the start.
The Rollei owner is still the envy of every camera user and when the dealer sells a Rollei he sells real satisfaction to his customer.
When you sell a Rollei, you need sell your customer only the camera, with its Ever Ready case to protect it, and this is all he needs to start first-class photography. Nevertheless, there is an incomparable range of Rollei accessories which are at the customers disposal as his photographic ambitions broaden.
Finally, we have a large and fully equipped Repair Service in London and we have appointed Rollei Repair Specialists at centres up and down the country. You can be sure of After-Sales Service.