Club Rollei User – Issue 38

by John Wild

John questions whether the digitalisation of practically everything is cheapening our memories. Physical items have a history and provide insight into the time that item was owned and used. Perhaps the return of vinyl records will be the start of a resurgence of other physical items that are now all but digitalised… bring back film!

Club Rollei User – Issue 37

by John Wild

John explores the market for camera bargains and continues to be amazed at the price erosion for what were once expensive items. Good Price today may not be a good price tomorrow. Who is the greater fool?

Club Rollei User – Issue 36

by John Wild

John is enjoying his winter photography. Even so, he began Spring cleaning early by giving his Rollei 35S an overhaul. The results were well worth the effort. The next club meet is in April in Bradford and he looks forward to seeing many of you there.

Club Rollei User – Issue 35

by John Wild
Poppies at the Tower of London

20,000 Negatives catalogued and with a matching contact print collected over 50 years. How quickly would you collect that many photos in the digital age and is it better?

Club Postal Competition Awards 2014

by John Wild

Remembrance… In memory of the many men, women and children from all nations who lost their lives during the First and Second World Wars.

Club Rollei User – Issue 34

by John Wild

John’s son Toby completes the channel swim and raised over £10,000 for TCT. With all the training and waiting it proved a great opportunity to use all that out of date film. The results create some ‘period’ results.

Club Rollei User – Issue 33

by John Wild

The recent biannual club meeting in Kent prompted thoughts as to the best camera to take on such outings. John’s choice was the TLR with this issue showcasing some of his and others work. He also recovers some film from a jammed Nikonos for use in his Baby 35T.

Club Rollei User – Issue 32

by John Wild

John is frustrated by the Murphy’s law of camera market fairs… When you want it, you can’t find it! The floods come to Bosham, is he prepared to risk his Rollei to get some photos?

Club Rollei User – Issue 31

by John Wild

The Rolleivision 66 AV audiovisual system proves to be a challenging project as John continues to gather manuals and translations to make it work. Maybe a lecture by Dr Brian May will help?

Club Rollei User – Issue 30

by John Wild

John travels to Photographica in Germany to find a Rolleivision 66 audio visual kit… getting it home is only half the challenge. He also experiments with some 20+ year old Agfapan film to varying degrees of success.

Club Rollei User – Issue 29

by John Wild

John has had some holidays over the last couple of months and laments the time that the internet has stolen from him.