We have had inclement weather recently and I have not wanted to dust off my cameras. However, once again, having undertaken decision making as to what I should take with me - this time to Worcester - my Tele-Rolleiflex and 2.8F saw the light of day. I have accumulated many flashbulbs and thought it would be an opportunity to work my way through them whilst visiting the Morgan car factory in Malvern. Having checked that all was working correctly, I loaded everything into three camera bags. The flash together with bulbs filled one on their own!
Having got to Worcester, I thought that using a bulb flash in an industrial environment where there may be potentially flammable atmospheric dust, would not be the wisest choice. The Rolleiflash stayed in its bag. As it turned out, HP5 Plus uprated to 1600 ISO was adequate for the available lighting.
The weather patterns settled for the better and the Worcester sun shone. We had an enjoyable, interesting and informative couple of days with many photo opportunities.
Unfortunately, the film thickness roller starting the film counter on my 2.8F failed to register after one film and subsequent films wound straight through. I had the task of rewinding three films - used to confirm the fault - on my return home. I duly processed the five rolls that had wound correctly. Some photos are on the back cover.
Front Cover: "Alina" by Carlos Manuel Freaza.
3 In Passing by David Morgan
4 A Wet Hell by Dáithí ó Scannláin
6 Letter from Rollei-Werke to Patrick McCoole
8 A brief Logbook by Carlos Manuel Freaza.
18 Rollei Infrared Film and Big Boys Toys by John Wild; For Sale
20 Mock not the Charity Shop by Jim Graves; Your Forum
21 The Sunken Treasures of a Paris Canal
22 Pearl Diving with a Rolleicord in Tsarkoye Selo by Kirill Chneerov
28 The Importance of Elsewhere - Philip Larkins Photographs reviewed by David Beake
30 The Mint InstaFlex TL70
31 Sir Kenneth Corfield - 27 January 1924 to 11 January 2016; Postal Auction
Rear Cover: Photos from Worcester by John Wild