Club Rollei User – Issue 29

by John Wild on 15 May 2013

As time marches on, I find that, whereas I think I should have more time at my disposal, I have less, or it seems like it. With the general public’s computer age well into its 30’s, everybody now expects an answer right away – research is easier with access to the Internet. We no longer have the opportunity to read an incoming letter, put it in the in-tray to await prioritization and subsequent further attention before replying. It has to be actioned immediately along with the other plethora of incoming messages. Not to mention the necessity of scanning the junk mail folder too - I usually have between 200 and 300 junk messages each morning. I cannot delete the lot because there are usually two or three genuine messages in amongst them, which have found their way in there. I do feel that computers make some things easier but that is far outweighed by the frustrations and time wasting that they bring into my life. This is partly the reason, why once again, I have to apologise for late publication. Don’t worry, all the best things come to those who wait...!

We have seen an extended winter this year, with unpredictable weather patterns. Sha and I went to Sao Miguel in the Azores in February to visit friends, and as they told us, the weather there can change totally in a matter of an hour or so – and it did! We had become used to such rapid changes that have blighted us since our return. The weather is no reason not to take a camera for a day out because, although it may be dark and miserable at the outset, the clouds can clear and leave dramatic skies and artistic patterns of light and shade on the landscape.

The reverse can happen too, so take a raincoat! We had an enjoyable visit to Cambridge, sadly some who had been expected to be there could not make it in the end – with luck we will be able to meet them at another venue. The weather was ‘changeable’ but we did get out and use our Rolleis. One day was spent wandering about the city and one out at the Imperial War Museum at Duxford, where there was a viewing day before a classic car auction. We were greeted on a number of occasions with comments like ‘Wow, I’ve never seen so many people all with Rolleiflexes' to ‘A Rolleiflex, I remember my father had one like that’. A classic camera can stand up against a classic car any day. Amateur Photographer this week – 11th May – is dedicated to second hand cameras, wetting our appetite in time for Photographica on 19th May – I hope David and I may meet some of you there. One article compares twin lens cameras and the Rolleiflex comes out top of the pile in quality and in price too.


Front Cover: 1953 Press Photo: Lotte Hass on expedition to explore the Caribbean
3 In Passing by David Morgan
4 The Austrian Tyrol by Mike Anson
7 Lenses: Care and Maintenance by David Morgan
9 Rollei Electronic Repairs and Spares by David Morgan
10 The Rolleiflex Polaroid Back by L.A. Mannheim
12 Alec Pearlman by Malcolm Peaker
13 Gauthier by David Morgan
14 Cambridge 2013 by Denis Camp A.R.P.S.
16 The Rollei in Sport by Danny McClure
19 Your Forum
21 My Mr Darcy Moments by Jim Graves
22 Lotte Hass - A Pictorial Biography by Michael Yung
30 In Love with Photography by Michael Warren
Back Cover: Photos by John Wild - Duxford Imperial War Museum

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