I bought a small CNC lathe from York about six weeks ago. A short break invitation to go 'glamping', (luxury camping) in nearby Stamford Bridge (well known for the battle fought there in 1066) was a good opportunity to travel north and collect it.
It was cold, wet and miserable in October - and noisy under canvas - but our visits into York were more than compensatory for the nightly hardship of being huddled together, shivering under the flickering flame of a candle...
I took my Nikonos underwater camera. A few weeks before, I had taken it around Bosham harbour in a storm to take some 'alternative' photos. The winder kept advancing after the end of the film counter, so I suspected a problem; I had not loaded the film properly and my hour in the rain had been wasted. Whilst in York, I had merrily been taking photos and when the sun came out the yellow stone contrasted against a blue sky. I noticed that the counter had only sporadically been advancing. I carried on anyway. As I got back into the car, I noticed that the back release leaver had not locked properly and as I tried to lock it again, the back popped open slightly; I managed to close it quickly. It just goes to show, for however long you have been doing something simple, things can still go wrong... I am glad that I am not the only person who has had problems with film loading in the last few weeks! Anyway, this is one area where digital has the edge over film photography!
That brings me on to the meeting in Bosham last week. I hope that everybody enjoyed themselves although the agenda was reversed due to rain. The talking went on too long in the morning so there was not enough time to visit Arundel after lunch, hence a walk around Bosham got the vote. More in the next issue...
As I have been typing this, David Morgan has just sent me an email:
'I could not help being amused by the following extract from a letter in this week's AP;
"It looks as if the anticipated Fuji X-E1 could be what we have all wanted over the past decades. Namely to see the photo we are about to take, as near as possible to how it will appear on our computer or in print, in terms of colour rendering, contrast, focusing and what is actually in the frame, and the effect of depth of field".
I'm not sure who's missing something, but I thought TLR Rolleiflexes had been doing most of this rather well for the last 80 years. This was perhaps with limited effectiveness in the early days of rather dim ground glass viewing screens but in more recent times with the advent of bright screens, very well indeed. If there is a limitation, it is probably more with the ability of eyes/brain/body to assimilate and use all this information quickly enough rather than the camera's ability to supply it!' DM - October 2012
Don’t forget to submit for the January issue....
Front Cover: "Today's Catch" by Ian Parker - Winner of postal competition 2012
3 The Parker Page
4 Wide Angle Cameras for 6 x 6 Format by David Morgan
6 A Walk About at Bridgetown Priory Part 2 by Dáithí ó Scannláin
13 Rollei Kineidoscope 35mm Stereo Reflex Camera
14 In Passing by David Morgan
14 Wanted and For Sale
15 What's it Worth by Jim Graves
16 Club Postal Competition 2012
22 Your Forum
25 Hurry is not Haste by Raymund Livesey
26 'Independent' Films in 120 by David Morgan
28 Photokina World of Imaging 2012 by Wulf Koehler
Back Cover: Photos by Ken Roberts: "Lonely Spotter" and "Winter in Blackpool"