Club Rollei User – Issue 25

by John Wild on 19 July 2012

This year seems to be flying by. There is so much going on that I feel I am chasing my tail. Having thought I was ahead with putting this issue together, I soon found wasn't! I have just returned from our get-together in Chesterfield; next week I am off to Tossa de Mar - see page 5; and when I get back, it is Photographica and then the Olympics... both of which I think should be of interest to us.

A number have said they hope to go to Photographica on 20th May and I look forward to seeing you there. However, I usually find that I don't notice anybody because either you or I have our noses in the trough and all that is visible when looking down the aisles is rear ends or backpacks...

As far as the Olympics are concerned, I shall only watch events on TV, I do not wish to fight my way through traffic. On the journey to and from Chesterfield, there were notices on the motorway gantry signs saying "Plan your journey to get to the Olympics on time" If anyone is planning to attend, we would love to see any photographs, even if they are just of the masses queuing to get in.

On a more photographic topic, I have had some large monochrome canvas block prints made from negatives. I scanned the negatives at 4800dpi - at slightly under and over exposure settings - combined them using HDR software, made adjustments and sent the files off to Peak Imaging to be printed. As Chesterfield is not far from Sheffield, I called in to check the tones and then collected the canvases on the way back. The largest print was 1500mm x 500mm whilst the next one was 1000mm x 500mm. The photos were 35mm negatives taken with my Rolleiflex 3003, probably with 135mm Tessar and 25mm Distagon lenses respectively.

I was amazed by the sharpness of the second print - the larger was of a moving car, so had intended motion blur, the second was of Bosham harbour at high tide and was taken on a tripod. When I first saw the film "Blow-Up" (1966) staring David Hemmings, I thought that the large prints that he made from a 35mm negative were 'exaggerated' for the storyline. I am not so sure now... My photos are pin sharp at that size and would go a lot larger.

My conclusion is that 35mm is not a 'toy' format! Peak Imaging made an excellent job


Front Cover: "Rolleiflex 2.8GX 60th Anniversary special edition camera
3 A Postcard from Chesterfield
4 Your Forum
5 Rolleimarin Nr.504
6 The Rollei Movie Sound XL8 Macro Super-8 Camera
7 Notes from a Ciné Dealer by Fred Marriott
10 Whatever happened to the "minature" by Jim Graves
11 Rolleiflex Twin-Lens Reflex by Delwyn Mallett
12 Harry Kitchen writes...
14 My Road to Rollei by Ray Plassard
18 A walk about Bridgetown Priory by Dáithí ó Scannláin
22 Being a Volunteer Photographer with the Metropolitan Police by Brian Brading
24 Rollei has come alive with Digital Compacts by Ian Parker
26 In Passing by David Morgan
27 Cliff Wilson Writes and Postal Auction
28 What Lies Beneath by Samantha Corbett
Back Cover: Photos of "Safer Neighbourhood Youth Football Teams" by Brian Brading

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