Peter Moyse

by David Morgan on 31 May 2016

It is with deep sadness that we record the passing of Peter Moyse quite suddenly on 27th April 2016 following a heart attack. Peter was a stalwart supporter of Club Rollei and attended nearly all meetings. He will be missed by all who knew him as a jovial, enthusiastic and kind gentleman with a personality that flowed out to those around him. Whilst he had worked most of his life in banking, he was a very capable photographer with the ability to ‘see’ a picture opportunity where others – including most certainly myself – could not. He was also very sociable within the photographic community despite slight mobility problems as the result of advancing years. Indeed, around the time of his death he had been planning to attend a meeting of the Leica Fellowship in the North, a considerable journey from his home near Peterborough. Peter, you will be a sad loss to Club Rollei. May you rest in peace. Our sincere condolences to all your family and friends.

David Morgan 29th April 2016

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