The Rolleiflex 4.0FW

by David Morgan

Having used the Rolleiflex 4.0FW for over 18 months, David compares its components and operation to that of its predecessors. The ownership of this camera has not been without its problems.

How much is your Rollei Worth?

by Ian Parker

Which Rolleis are holding their value and what is the right equipment to add to your Rollei collection. Ian Parker describes his journey to offload a Minolta 9000 SLR and offers some tips for buyers wishing to turn a profit from old Rollei cameras.

Modern Rolleiflex and Rolleicord Guide

by David Morgan
The modern Rolleiflex and Rolleicord Guide

‘The Modern Rolleiflex and Rolleicord Guide’ by Kenneth Tyding offers some interesting tips with a call out to other members to test the assertions made.

The Roy Hargreaves Story

by Raymund Livesey

Like many servicemen, Roy Hargreaves obtained his first camera in Germany at the end of the war. In his case it was as a result of swapping cigarettes for a virtually useless radio which in turn was exchanged for a battered twin lens 1932 Rolleiflex. This is his story.

Full Circle

by Ron Wootton

Starting with box cameras in the late 1940’s, SLR’s in the 80’s and Digital in the noughties. Ron Wootton has a long history of camera usage. He discusses his preferred choice of camera now and why.

Old Smokie

by Malcolm Hart

Occasionally, as collectors and users of vintage photographica, a friend or relative wishing to tap into your ‘interest’ of old cameras produce items that should have been left where found. But sometimes a gem will emerge… this is the story of ‘Old Smokie’ an Original Rolleiflex and it’s restoration.

High Dynamic Range

by John Wild

In “Digital Prints from B&W Negatives”, John discusses converting black and white negatives into an HDR image. In this extract from we recap on some of the basics of High Dynamic Range photography.

Digital Prints from B&W Negatives

by John Wild

High Dynamic Range is now available on the iPhone 4 but how was this performed by Rollei photographers in the past. John Wild looks at the process of applying HDR to some of his black and white negatives.

40 Years with Rollei

by Dennis Camp

Dennis Camp has been collecting Rolleis for 40 years and reflects on these years and how collecting cameras has evolved. Will he trade for a digital or stay with his favourite Rollei 3.5F… Only time will till.

Rollei and the Photographic Dealer

by David Morgan

With a photo of the Rollei Factory at Brunswick and the tag line “Become a Rollei Dealer – it will pay you dividends”, this excerpt from last centuries Rollei promotional material makes for interesting reading.

Rolleiflex 2.8 E3

by David Morgan

The Rolleiflex 2.8E3 has been somewhat of an enigma in the UK, so when David Morgan discovers one, he places the successful bid and investigates it’s history in some detail. He also looks at bayonet filter options for the Rollei Collector.