Club Rollei User – Issue 8

by John Wild on 1 January 2008

Happy New Year! This being the eighth issue of the magazine, it completes our second year. I am positive about continued membership and with the interest that has been shown. A few people did not renew last year but we have attracted some new members to replace them. Many fine articles and excellent photographs have been submitted this year. Unfortunately, there has not been the space to publish them all but do not worry, they will be published in future issues. Please do not think because of this, that we do not need more; as Anne Cooper said, ‘the magazine needs feeding’ so please continue to send in articles and photographs.

At the November gathering it was suggested that members be permitted to say what they would like to see in the magazine and how it should move forward. Please submit your ideas and recommendations. Some suggestions put forward were ‘less words and more photographs’; a ‘bubble caption’ competition and a ‘Salon competition’, to be discussed and judged at the club meeting. The postal auction was also mentioned again (see p5). There are less words in this issue and there is also a competition; the prize is to have the best caption published!

In spite of Kodak discontinuing some of its film products, there still seems to be a market place for Fuji, Ilford, Maco and others to sell their silver based products. Ilford have produced a new inkjet paper which is supposed to better mimic the qualities of their silver heavy weight fibre based papers. However, with camera-phones now having a quality approaching that of some digital compacts, the ‘mass market’ is even less likely to use film. This and the race to upgrade to the very latest technology means that it is possible to buy a secondhand digital camera at a ‘reasonable’ price. However, as a digital camera gets older it becomes more out dated and so its value reduces still further. Questions do arise though; does it still work properly? Can it be repaired if it goes wrong? - probably not economically. There is a secondhand mb Rollei D 10 in a local camera shop, boxed etc, for £30. Is this good value? A ‘free’ cameraphone has better resolution than that.


Front Cover: Colette. Photo: Denis Camp with a Rolleiflex 4.0 FT
3 Products from RCP
4 Photographic and Camera Auctions by Ian Parker
5 Club Postal Auctions by David Morgan
6 A New Focussing Screen for my SL66 by David Runyard
7 2008 Orchid Calender by Denis Camp ARPS
8 Sales and Wants
8 Rare Accessory
8 Caption Competition
9 Neustadt Wine Festival by Franz Rothbrust
12 Rolleiflex 4.0FT - a Review by Denis Camp ARPS
14 Club Rollei Meeting November 007
18 Your Forum
Back Cover: Photographs from the Meeting

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