Club Rollei User – Issue 48

by John Wild on 5 May 2018

I hope you had an enjoyable Christmas; it seems a long time ago now, probably because it's been such a wet winter in the UK, continuing into 2018.

In the latter part of last year, one of our members who is slowly reducing his library, offered me, amongst other titles, the Zeiss Compendium East And West 1940-1972 by Mark James Small and Charles M. Barringer. He sent me a photocopy of the front cover. In the end, he decided he wanted to keep it a bit longer. When I received an unrelated phone call, I pulled the photocopy out of the waste bin to quickly scribble some notes; I then left it on the side of my desk, where it still remains. Christmas afternoon present opening arrived and the first one that I opened was a copy of this year's Wildlife Photographer of the Year. A few unwrappings later, I was delighted to have been given a copy of the Compendium. My wife had thought that because the, by now crumpled, photocopy was lying on top of a pile of other papers, that I had left it there purposely as a hint! I wish she would leave me some hints. I could only come up with a vacuum cleaner for her present. I still have a bandage on my head.

I was saddened to hear from another of our readers, that an acquaintance of his, who had knowledge of a number of Rolleimarin housings in various states of disrepair, in which I had expressed interest a few years ago, told me that these had now been melted down for scrap because they were thought to have no value. Because of the weather I have hibernated in my workshop except for one venture out to witness an expected high wind blown tide with my 6008 plus digital back, but without waders. Others, who had more foresight were splashing about with their cameras in the high water whereas I was dancing at the water’s edge trying not to get my shoes wet. The fire brigade were present, being on hand to pump out any flooded houses, which luckily was not required on this occasion. On previous very high tides, they have had a busy time.

Please do not forget to send in material for the next issue, your enthusiastic response to my last request was very productive but I do need to have a steady supply so as to keep the magazine going.



Front Cover: Showman's Engine by Anthony Sandles.

3 In Passing by David Morgan

4 Your Forum; First Come, First Served

6 A Photographic Record of Moments in Time by Dáithí ó Scannláin

10 Rollei Film, Paper and Chemistry

12 Let's Hear it for the Camera Club by Mike Pole

18 Bishop Cannings Church by Brian Pearce

21 Home Brew Developers by Harry Kitchen

24 Land of Mystery, a trip to Papua New Guinea by Wulf H. Koehler

Rear Cover: Three Graces by Patrick McCoole

From the Bosham October meeting by David Morgan

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