Club Rollei User – Issue 42

by John Wild on 13 August 2016

I think we remember the good times better than the average times and with that concept in mind, here in Bosham, last summer was better than this summer. I remember going out most evenings to take photos of sunsets, it was just a matter of deciding where to go.

This year I planned to align landmarks with celestial and tidal events. I thought I would try to capture some photos, although annually repeatable, only available on one day of the year, which if missed, would mean waiting 365 days for the next coincidence. There have been a number of ideal occasions when I did not have a camera with me at the time - I will never learn - and returning on future occasions have failed to recreate that moment.

One thing I have found with mother nature, besides being unpredictable, is that aside from ruining an occasion, she can create a combination that was totally unforseen. One evening whilst waiting on the shore for the sun to go down, it was very windy. There were two fishermen who turn up regularly when conditions are right. That evening they believed they would be lucky. It was about three quarters of an hour before sunset and high tide. I had parked my car safely on high ground because, being local, I know how easy it is to get swamped in Bosham -

After the sun had set I packed up my equipment, however I was unable to leave because the road was underwater either side of my car. An hour and a half's wait till the wind let the tide ebb sufficiently to drive away encouraged me to take some twilight, time exposures of the village from the raised path around the creek. Although one minute exposures produced results of the shore buildings and lights, two or four minutes would have given more shadow detail. I did use my meter but that was at its extreme limit. On another occasion a photographer walked past me and stood in each of my next planned locations as I moved along the shore making me feel a bit of a plagiarist.

A further occasion saw a photographer standing beside me with his digital SLR taking automatic bracketed exposures. His live view was a bonus whilst exposing for the colours playing on the high clouds; I was photographing the building line against the low setting sun.

I have not captured anything I had envisaged but I do have some very different photos


Front Cover: "Glen Clunie" by Danny McClure.
3 In Passing by David Morgan
4 Rollei's Ciné Adventure by David Morgan
6 The Club Rollei Postal Portfolio
8 Peter Moyse ARPS, an Appreciation by Keith Mason and Geoff Float
10 The Rolleilux by David Morgan
11 The Rollei db20p Phase One Digtal Back by John Wild
18 Some Items Recently Spotted on Ebay and Eddie Redmayne, the new face of Omega
19 When a Photographer is Taken for What He is by Kirill Chneerov
20 Owning a Rollei Says Something About You by Tony McGartland
22 Your Forum
24 Calculating Optical Data by Computer by Josef Scheibel (from Rollei News)
27 Art Council Award for Pete Davis
28 I Found a Camera Graveyard by Dewey - spotted by Raymund Livesey
29 Rollei Internal Names by David Morgan
30 Rollei SLX/6000 Chargers by John Wild
31 TLR Camera Weights by David Morgan
Rear Cover: "The Bay" by Anthony Sandles and "Cycle and Shadows" by Michael Coles

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