Club Rollei User – Issue 19

by John Wild on 1 October 2010

This issue is the largest so far, running to 32 pages. There was a very good response to Denis Camp's photographic competition, with entries from as far away as China and Australia. I wish to thank all those who participated and commend the quality of the prints that were submitted.

Hence, my wish to include a copy of all the entries has resulted in a larger edition. I do not think that this increase in number of pages will be a regular occurrence but, depending on the amount of editorial that you submit, there may be a bonus issue from time to time. The extra pages combined with my distraction due to the October meeting are the reasons why the magazine is a bit late (again) in being sent out this time. My apologies to all those who sit by their letter box awaiting the postman's appearance, only to be disappointed.

As mentioned briefly in the Meeting Report, I have scanned some negatives and slides to produce a photobook online, which has then been printed as a hardback book. I am pleased with my first attempt at this and will give more details in a future issue, once I have had time to compare the offerings from different websites. If anyone has ventured down this path, I would be pleased to hear from them.

A few weeks ago, I had a chance to take my SL66SE out for an evening stroll around Bosham. The sun was dropping quickly, as it does at this time of year, and the colour and patterns in the sky were changing as I watched. I was busily checking the exposure from the sky, just above the horizon, between each shot. Having transparency film in the camera, this was important. It is so much easier with a digital camera, which my friend was brandishing. He could check the image on the screen and make appropriate adjustments; he had live-view too, which he used to great advantage. What interested me was that he was setting exposures of up to 15 seconds, whereas, at the time, I was using 1/4 second at f22. His live-view images were fine, so I wondered whether my exposure settings were correct. I checked again and then I thought that I should take a couple of exposures at up to 15 seconds. When I received the transparencies back, my short exposures were what I had pre-visualised (see photograph below; the longer exposures looked as if they had been taken in broad daylight.

Now why I mention this episode is two fold. Firstly that digital sensors register light in a different way to film, but I did not think that the results would be so different; secondly, that when I received the developed film, I wished that I had bought some graduated ND filters when I needed some last time! Interestingly, both Lee and Cokin ND graduated filters are out of stock at present with unknown expected delivery. I am still waiting for my order to be fulfilled.


Front Cover: Bromeliad by Wolfram Borgis - 2010 competition winner
3 DHW Fototechnik at Photokina 2010 by Emmanuel Bigler.
4 Optical Repairs for Rollei Cameras by David Morgan
5 A Tripod for Rolleimarin Camera Housings by Franz Rothbrust
6 Scanner Quality by John Wild L.R.P.S.
8 Ballybeg Priory Revisited by Dáithí ó Scannláin
12 Royal Osborne, a personal experience by Michael Coles
14 Seen in Passing and Time Ladies and Gentlemen Please by David Morgan
15 The Rolleiflex 2.8B - A postscript by David Morgan
15 Rolleiflex 35mm QBM lenses
16 Autumn Print Competition 2010
26 Rollei 6008AF vs Bronica ETR-Si by Ken Williams
28 Your Forum
29 SLX/6000 14-pin plugs and connections and Rolleiclub news
30 A time to Reminisce by John Wild L.R.P.S.
31 Club Meeting October 2010
Back Cover: My Sandcastle will be perfect by Ian Parker - 2010 competition runner-up
and Antagnod and Monta Rosa by Mike Pole - Commended

Rolleiflex SL66SE - Fujichrome Provia 400 by John Wild

Canon EOS 500D - HDR edited by Tom Sherlock

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