Club Rollei User – Issue 15

by John Wild on 1 October 2009

The last few months have been hectic for one reason or another and with the October meeting having been arranged to coincide with the publication of the magazine, my prioritisation has been honed to very fine limits!

This issue includes the submissions and results from the Autumn Print Competition. The entries are of a high standard and I am pleased to see that so many of you are getting out and using your Rollei cameras. Denis has offered to organise and sponser a similar competition next year but then he feels that he would like to hand the reins to someone else. Any volunteers?

The Portfolio, which is now in it’s third round, has been successful and although there were a few teething problems, it is now running smoothly. Thanks are due to Danny McClure for his help and guidance in gaining the momentum necessary and to Peter Moyse and Michael Coles for their inspiration. Unfortunately, not having space to include photographs in this issue, they will have to wait until January’s issue.

I went along to the Goodwood revival meeting in September, armed with my Tele and  Rolleiflex 2.8E2. Not having used the 2.8E2 before, I found, much to my annoyance, that I could not focus on the viewfinder screen clearly. Obviously, the previous owner had changed the viewfinder magnifier to suit his eyesight and this did not suit mine. The thought that finding a suitable replacement lens would be unlikely, made me think that setting up an ‘exchange’ might be an option. We do buy second hand TLRs and it is possible that other’s eyepiece magnifiers may not be suitable for their new owner either. If anyone thinks this may be a good idea, please let me know.

The October meeting, the report of which is on page 16, was a success and hopefully enjoyed by all attendees. Thoughts as to holding an April meeting again resulted in the proposal to hold it mid-week, probably around the middle of the month (just after Easter), in Whitby, North Yorkshire. David Morgan and Denis Camp will put some ideas together and we will circulate details with the January issue. In the meantime, if you are interested in attending, please make a mental note to look out for the details in January.


Front Cover: Salisbury Cathedral by Bill Forbes.
3 The Future of Rollei... by David Morgan.
4 Article ‘The Three Queens’ - comments by David Morgan
5 The Focal Length of 6x6 Lenses compared to 35mm Lenses by Ken Williams
6 Mains Power Supply Voltage by David Morgan
7 The Church and Abbey of St. Augustines by Dáithí ó Scannláin
10 Thoughts on 127 film and the Rolleiflex 4x4 by John Wild L.R.P.S.
13 Rollei Mutar Lenses - a postscript by David Morgan
14 Rolleiflex 3.5 E3 Instructions - comments by David Morgan
15 The Last Rolleiflex ‘T’ by Emmanuel Bigler
16 The October 2009 meeting
19 Rollei Digital Cameras and Scanners
20 Rolleiflex 3003 out of Retirement by Ian Parker
22 Your Forum
23 Kodachrome Processing Update
23 Sales and Wants
24 Autumn Print Competition
Back Cover: More from the Print Competition

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