Club Rollei User – Issue 1

by John Wild on 1 April 2006

Well this is David and my first attempt at producing a newsletter. We hope you find it interesting and to your liking!

I have written most of this on a new tablet PC. It means that l can write with a special pen, directly onto the screen. With handwriting recognition (I do not know how it does it, I can’t even read my own writing!) it is easy, quiet and quick to produce verbal diarrhoea! David uses a typewriter (opposite ends of the technological scale!) and then I scan his text into my computer with Optical Character Recognition software. I hope that you can see how effectively typewritten text and photographs can be scanned into the computer and then published.

We thank those of you who have submitted for this issue. We will require a steady flow of articles and photographs for future issues, so please keep them coming. We hope that once this issue is circulated, you will be overflowing with enthusiasm to submit your work for publication!

The transparencies that I have scanned for Bill Forbes were 6x6 mounted in card approximately 12x9 and this posed no problems. So I have increased the specification of what you can submit. You have fewer excuses now! Please do submit something, this is intended to be a forum for our ideas, suggestions, problems and photographs.

I suggested that the theme for this issue be rarer Rollei TLR accessories. We have had no contributions along these lines, so this issue is broadly by those who use current Rollei equipment. This is not intentional, just the content of articles submitted at this time. It is our aim that we cover historic as well as current equipment, providing that you submit the relevant material. You send it, we will print it.

It has been mentioned about continuing with the postal auction. If someone is willing to take this on, we’re sure it will be well supported. It would require the information being catalogued in a spreadsheet which can then be included in the magazine. The volunteer(s) would have to deal with all entries and bids; unfortunately David and I do not have the time. Any offers?


Front Cover: Window in Southwark Cathedral by Bill Forbes
3 Franke & Heidecke Press Release
4 Shooting Windows by Bill Forbes
6 Your Forum
7 Carl Zeiss Press Release
8 Framed Photo Essay by John Wild
10 Material Suppliers by David Morgan
11 Sales and Wants
11 New Rolleiflex 6000 Battery Charger
12 127 Film and the Baby Rolleiflex by David Morgan
12 Help Desk & Don’t Forget
13 My Road to Rollei by Peter Barton
14 Rollei X-act2 by John Wild
Back Cover: Dandelion clock & Poppy by John Wild

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